• Member Since 4th Jul, 2015


Male to female crossdresser , Has tenddencies to scream (when scaired ) or cry like a girl ,Loves My Little Pony ( Hugh Fan ) and Loves Dragons ( And loves to go shopping for women's clothes ) ^_^

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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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So, Nightmare Moon has returned, and with the Elements of Harmony back on the tree, Twilight decides now is the best time to test her alicorn power, and defeat Nightmare Moon on her own.

She will soon realize she just made a childish mistake, and pay the price, in the cutest way possible. But she will also learn some interesting secrets about history, and herself.

Cover art belongs to Cuddlelamb on deviantart.

Rated teen for mentions of breastfeeding in future chapters.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A War of Words - The Opening of the Guard

For centuries, the stallions of the Royal Guard have protected Equestria from every danger imaginable.
Now they face a new threat to their position that will not be so easy to defeat.


- - - * - - -

The story of four mares who answer the call to guard Princess Luna, and the troubles they go through to gain acceptance and respect in their new jobs. Or it could be considered to be the story of four interlopers into a traditionally male role and the underhanded tricks used to secure their position despite their obvious unsuitability for the job. Pick one.

Cover photo credit to the fantastic MuffinExplosion at DeviantArt.

Thanks to my editors: Peter, MSPiper, Featherprop, Seether00, GameKnut and Tek

Author's notes on the development of the story and characters may be found here.
This is a sequel to A War of Words - The Opening of the Guard which is featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Rogue Stallion

The Broken Mare is healing, the Rogue Stallion is leashed, and a cute little button of a filly is stumbling between them. Now what?

Here's the answer to that question. The sequel to The Broken Mare and The Rogue Stallion concludes.

Note: Yes, this will follow the path of Season Three, but placed a year later. Chapters will be irregular and intermittent due to a nasty school schedule.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Broken Mare

While ensuring that the Nightmare has once again been banished to the Moon, Luna is attacked while teleporting back.

A stallion has escaped from the lunar prison. Who is this pony? Is he controlled by the Nightmare? What is he after?

Is Twilight's daughter in danger?

Chapters (6)

I woke up as Princess Celestia and I have no clue what to do. Somepony get Twilight!

Goodness, I'm already a pretty decent Celestia, aren't I?

That'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Rated Teen for mild language and some pervy humour


O-O I actually made it onto the featured list. 8/30/2021

Chapters (5)

A few days after ascending to Alicornhood, Twilight Sparkle is experimenting with Magic, as she is wont to do. She found a lovely new spell in Luna's old quarters in the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters that she's just dying to try. She should've read the fine print.

Featured 6/22/2020. Thank you all so much!
It happened again 6/30/2020! What insanity is this?! :heart:
OK, seriously, you people spoil me. 7/1/2020
I'm going to keep thanking you every time it happens. You can't stop me! 7/4/2020
Have all the happy Pinkie Pies in the world! 7/5/2020

New cover art by Mix Up: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/195663/Mix-up

Mix Up's deviantart page: https://www.deviantart.com/amalgamzaku

Chapters (38)

Twilight doesn't remember how to poop, and that's no good. But with the help of her friends, and a little magic, can she learn how again before it's too late?

Thanks to Majin Syeekoh for the idea. Or at least showing me the cover art and being like "make this a story" like 2 years ago.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to She's Having A Foal

In the final installment in the "My New Life In Equestria" series, Matthew Williams and Applejack are about to experience the trials, tribulations and joy of raising their newborn daughter, Clementine Rosemary Apple.

Chronicling close to twenty years, the two will find that no matter how much they think they learned before the birth, nothing will prepare them for the years that follow, as Clementine goes from a rambunctious filly, to a rebellious teenager.

Chapters (32)

it is the year 2013 and the Autoponies wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Kul'asepticons. but in an attempt to try and end the conflict one and for all, Shi'va, leader of the Kul'asepticons makes her most diabolical plan yet, not knowing it will trigger events that will change the universe of the Transformares, *Pinkie Pie steals the keyboard* FOREVEER!! *snatches keyboard back*

Tragedy added because pony playing part of Optimus Prime dies.

Cover art found on this site closet thing I could get to the original movie poster unless someone else did artwork and I don't know it. and no, cast list isn't exactly as seen on cover. Sunset Shimmer, and the Dazzlings make cameos in this, but Sunset in hre rpony form, and the Dazzlings in their Hippocampi forms

Chapters (11)

Matthew Williams, a citizen of New York City, leads a pretty good life, an alright job, a nice place. Sure, he has dreams and aspirations like the normal humans of the earth, but he was rather content at the moment. That all changes, when six ponies drop right on his head, and soon finds himself in a variety of situations that will spin his life in all different directions.

Rated PG-13 for Language, Violence, Mild Crude Humor, and Some Sexual Content.

Chapters (21)